This is the solution to activate Windows XP/Vista/7/8 – Servers when your are logged out.
Tag Archives: how to
Install Remote Server Administration Tools in Windows 7
February 9, 2012

Remote Server Administration Tools, a way to access AD Users & Computers and all the other tools you so dearly love as administrators.
How to install ODBC 32-bit drivers on Windows 64-bit
December 5, 2011

A quick tip to install ODBC 32-bit drivers on Windows 64-bit.
The language DLL ‘YOUR_FILE.DLL’ could not be found – Windows 7
November 24, 2011

Solution if you receive a message like The language DLL could not be found on Windows system.
How to Install and Setup W3 Total Cache
July 11, 2011
For the best WordPress performance, this is the complete How to Install and Setup W3 Total Cache.
How To Hide Your Windows Vista – 7 Computer From Windows Network Neighborhood
June 21, 2011

A quick tip to hide or unhide your Windows Vista / Windows 7 Computer Name from displaying in Network for the other computers on the same network.
How To Clone A WordPress Web Site
March 22, 2011
Compress your entire WordPress install into one zip file, then move it to the new directory for the new domain Create a new mySQL database, and attach a user to it with all privileges Backup your SQL database using phpmyadmin Import the backed up SQL database into the new database in phpmyadmin and check to […]
January 30, 2013